Restaurant & Bar Reviews

Hearsay Gastro Lounge Houston

by on Sep.01, 2012, under Cocktails, Fish, Happening, Houston, Restaurants, Salmon, Tartar, Texas, United States

If you have a chance you should stop by the second oldest building in Houston a renovated old building turned hotspot and awesome gastro lounge in the Houston Downtown area known as Hearsay at their first location 218 Travis Street, Houston, TX



Hearsay Gastro Lounge is in the W. L. Foley Building, the second building on the block designed by prolific Texas courthouse architect Eugene T. Heiner buit in 1889. Much of the credit for the current state of the great building goes to former owner and artist Lee Benner and his six year renovation that started in 1993.


I suggest you book in advance if you plan to have dinner at Hearsay Gastro Lounge we had to book the day of and were squeezed in for a 6PM reservation.

I started with the ‘Whitney’ a fabulous blackberry + vodka + champagne cocktail, had to stop at one as it was soooo good!


The Caprese salad was wonderful even with the under ripe tomatoes.



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