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The Supershag lifestyle had it’s origins in the early 80,s.As a young ballroom dancer of course money was in short supply. This however did not deter me from trying to live and travel in a manner that was way above my means.
While this may seem like a daunting feat it was achieved because of 3 main
factors .
A credit card with an absurdly high limit
(I earned 25 pounds per week. My limit was 1200 and I was 17.Who needs CDOs to bring down the world financial system I was capable of doing this by myself)
All travel and hotel expenses paid by comp organizers who wanted me to exhibit my exquisite dancing skills
Lord Liverpool (aka Bazza)

The credit card became my greatest friend also my biggest enemy. It have me the ability to indulge in one of my greatest passions,clothes.if you look the part then you can act the part. This was instilled into me by my parents at an early age. A green Ron Gunn catsuit made of eurolustre in 1979 bears testament to this. ( Ron still makes my dance trousers to this day). On moving to England in 1981 a fellow dancer( Danny Laflamme) worked in a designer clothes store in Birkenhead . Soon I was sporting labels like NewMan, Cricket and Matinique.
The downside to this happened on an ill fated trip to Denmark with the English Youth Ballroom Dance team in 1981.I was the only member with a credit card. ( we were all under 18 ) and it duly ended up behind the bar


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