La Carafe Wine Bar Houston
by supershag on Sep.02, 2012, under Beer, Houston, Novelty, Restaurants, Wine
If you’re looking for some history, with a bit of wine and slew of unique people in one of the smallest bars I’ve been in, then checkout La Carafe in Houston Texas.
A little bit about the building “The La Carafe building is listed on the National Register for Historic Places and is believed to be the oldest bar in Houston, and is the oldest commercial building still in use, in Houston. Built by developer Nathaniel Kellum in 1847, the La Carafe building has remained a two-story public venue since it’s construction.”
A little bit about the building”…made of old brick and wood around the window frames. The wood has been replaced, but the brick is original. When facing the building, one will notice a fairly new development to it’s left and an empty parking lot found at the building’s right. Because the building’s right side is exposed, the patchwork design of the building’s history through wars and remodeling is seen in the brick, concrete and wood found along this wall.”